Built with Indexhibit

Human Tornado No.1
Zhuangxiang Lin 林庄祥


At 7am, the alarm clock wakes up hundreds of millions of people around the world, all with the same "purpose", all being pushed in the same "direction", a tornado that no one is able to fight against. This is a tornado that no one can fight against. "Human Tornado" is my animal world series, the video composed of several AI-generated videos. The idea was inspired by my observations and feelings about people chasing fads, revenge travel, herd mentality, going to work, crowding the subway, people starting to dress the same in order to fit in different communities, even making themselves look the same as them through surgery and drugs, doing the same things, wearing the same clothes...and so on and so many other things around me. And this crazy human visual wonder, I think the images generated by AI can well represent this absurd and grotesque us.


Zhuangxiang Lin is a visual artist and graphic designer, graduated from China Academy of Art in 2016, majoring in Interaction Design, and founded LZX Studio to work independently since then. 2022, he entered the Open Media Lab of the School of Intermedia Art of China Academy of Art to study for a master's degree. He has been exploring the application of AI, AR and other new technologies in art and design for a long time, and exploring new aesthetics through practice.