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Arabesque No.1
Dong Ding 丁栋


'Arabesque No.1' is a sculptural work based on Debussy's eponymous piano piece, created from the perspective of craft. The design creates a special 'sonar’ shape-mapping system to relocates each musical note thus creating a spatial pattern with complex interior and exterior spatial graphics.

The physical sculptures are made with laser-cut transparent acrylic, allowing the audience to better observe the intricate internal spatial forms that reveal the music's melody. The sculpture is comprised by a group of 107 single sheets that are formed by relocating notes through the mapping system. These are presented in a sequential format which shows the complex and subtle melodic variations in each measure.

This work aims to present a unique understanding of music through a distinctive mapping system. Working directly from score to graphic and then to sculpture, isolating the artist's emotional response to the music. Which presents a new interpretation of 'music' as a form of data.


Dong Ding is a contemporary jewellery artis, designer & maker who currently a PhD Researcher at Edinburgh college of art at The University of Edinburgh, graduated from Edinburgh college of art at The University of Edinburgh for his MFA degree and School of Jewellery in Birmingham City University for his BA degree.

As a contemporary jewellery artist, he got over 10 award from but not limited to: GCDC Award (Goldsmiths’ Craftmenship & Design Council Awards), Scottish Gemmological Association, The University of Edinburgh Art Collection, etc. His work was collected by The University of Edinburgh Art Collection and have over 20 exhibitions at but not limited to: Scottish Gemmological Association Conference, The Goldsmiths' Hall, 108 Fine Art Gallery, Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery, Schumuck 2017, etc. His work has been appeared at catwalk shows including London Graduate Fashion Week and also in collaborated with Google Art & Culture Project.

As a Ph.D. researcher in design, he runs collaborative projects with other artist and researchers in Syracuse University, The University of Queensland and Tongji University D&I. He also presented in Academic Conference and Events hold by Edinburgh University & Napier University in collaboration with Robert Gordon University and Dovecot Studios. His PhD research practice is also exhibited at VINCI 2023 and EAD 2023.